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admin 发布:2024-07-15 11:33 10



Abyssal Scepter 虚空之杖Aegis of the Legion 军团圣盾Amolifying Tome 增幅典籍Archangel's Staff 大天使之杖Athene's Unholy Grall 雅典娜的邪恶圣杯Atma's Impaier 阿塔玛之戟Augment:Death/Gravity/Power 强化:死亡/重力/能量(由维克托初始道具合成)Avarice Blade 贪婪之刃B


Sword 风暴之剑Banner of Command 号令之旗Banshee's Veil 女妖面纱Berserker's Greaves 狂战士胫甲Bilgewater Cutlass 比尔吉沃特弯刀*Blackfire Torch 黯炎火炬Blade of the Ruined King 破败王者之刃Blasting Wand 爆裂魔杖Bonetooth Necklace 骨齿项链(雷恩加尔击杀战利品)Boots of Mobility 疾行之靴Boots of Swiftness 轻灵之靴Brawler's Gloves 格斗手套Catalyst the Protector 催化神石Chain Vest 锁子甲Chalice of Haemony 和谐圣杯Cloak of Agiliity 灵巧披风Cloth Armor 布甲Crystalline Flask 水晶瓶Dragger 短剑Deathfire Grasp 冥火之拥Doran's Blade 多兰之刃Doran's Ring 多兰之戒Doran's Shield 多兰之盾Elesa's Miracle 伊丽莎的奇迹Elixir of Brilliance 智慧合剂Elixir of Fortitude 坚韧合剂Emblem of Valor 英勇徽章Enchantment:Alacrity 附魔:欢欣Enchantment:Captain 附魔:统帅Enchantment:Distortion 附魔:失真Enchantment:Furor 附魔:喧哗Enchantment:Homegurad 附魔:家园卫士*Entropy 冰霜战锤(注意是战锤不是之锤)Execution's Calling 死刑宣告Faerie Charm 仙女护符Fiendish Codex 恶魔法典Frozen Heart 冰霜之心Frozen Mallet 冰霜之锤Giant's Belt 巨人腰带Glacial Shroud 冰川护甲*Grez's Spectral Lantern 基渣的幽魂之灯Guardian Angel 守护天使(简称GA)Guinsoo's Rageblade 鬼索的狂暴之刃Haunting Guise 幽魂面具Health Potion 生命药水(小红药)Hexdrinker 海克斯饮魔刀Hextech Gunblade 海克斯科技枪刃Hextech Revolver 海克斯科技左轮枪*Hextech Sweeper 海克斯科技探测器Hunter's Machete 猎人的宽刃刀(打野刀)Iceborn Gauntiet 冰脉护手(冰拳)*Ichor of Illumination 启示灵药*Ichor of Rage 狂怒灵药Infinity Edge 无尽之刃Ionian Boots of Lucidity 明朗之靴(直译过来是“艾欧尼亚的明朗之靴”=

=)Kage;s Lucky Pick 凯奇的幸运手Kindlegem 燃烧宝石*Kitae's Bloodrazer 吉泰的夺命剃刀Last Whisper 最后的轻语Liandry's Torment 兰德里的折磨Lich Bane 巫妖之祸Locket of the Iron Solari 钢铁烈阳之匣(鸟盾)Long Sword 长剑Madred's Razor 麦瑞德之爪(打野手套,不是早就移除的绿爪!!!)Mana Manipulator 御魔之器Mana Potion 法力药水(小蓝药)Manamune 魔宗利刃Maw of Malmoetius 玛莫提乌斯之噬Mejai's Soulstealer 梅贾的窃魂卷Mercurial Scimitar 水银弯刀Mercury's Treads 水银之靴Mikael's Crucible 米凯尔的坩埚Muramana 魔切Nashor's Tooth 纳什之牙Needlessly Large Rod 无用大棒Negatron Cloak 负极斗篷Ninja Tabi 忍者足具Null-Magic Mantie 抗魔斗篷*Odyn's Veil 奥戴恩的面纱Ohmwrecker 干扰水晶Oracle's Elixir 先知药剂*Oracle's Extract 神谕精粹Overlord's Bloodmail 霸王血铠Phage 净蚀Phantom Dancer 幻影之舞Philosopher's Stone 贤者之石Pickaxe 十字镐*Prospector's Blade 勘探者之刃*Prospector's Ring 勘探者之戒Quicksilver Sash 水银饰带Rabadon's Deathcap 灭世者的死亡之帽Ranin's Omen 兰顿之兆Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only) 贪婪九头蛇(仅近战可用)Recurve Bow 反曲之弓Rwjuvenation Bead 治疗宝珠Rod of Ages 时光之杖Ruby Crystal 红水晶Ruby Sightstone 洞察红宝石Runaan's Hurricane (Ranged Only)卢安娜的飓风(仅远程可用)Runic Bulwark 符文壁垒Rylai's Crystal Scepter 瑞莱的冰晶节杖*Sanguine Blade 血色之刃Sapphire Crystal 蓝水晶Seraph’s Embrace 炽天使之拥Shard of True Ice 极冰碎片Sheen 耀光Shurelya's Reverie 舒瑞亚的狂想曲Sight Ward 侦查守卫Sightstone 洞察之石Sorcerer's Shoes 法师之靴Spirit Stone 精魄之石Spirit Visage 振奋铠甲Spirit of the Ancient Golem 远古魔像之精魄Spirit of the Elder Lizard 蜥蜴长老之精魄Spirit of the Spectral Wraith 破碎幽灵之精魄Statikk Shiv 斯塔提克电刃Stinger 蜂刺Sunfire Cape 日炎斗篷Sword of the Divine 神圣之剑Sword of rhw Occult 神秘之剑Tear of the Goddess 女神之泪The Black Cleaver 黑色切割者The Bloodthirster 饮血剑The Brutalizer 残暴之力The Hex Core 海克斯科技核心(维克托初始道具)*The Lightbringer 光明使者Thornmail 荆棘之甲Tiamat (Melee Only) 提亚马特Trinity Force 三相之力Twin Shadows 双生暗影Vampiric Scepter 吸血鬼节杖Vision Ward 真视守卫Void Staff 虚空之杖Warden's Mail 守望者铠甲Warmong's Armor 狂徒铠甲Will of the Ancients 远古意志Wit's End 智慧末刃*Wooglet's Witchcap 沃格勒特的巫师帽Wriggle's Lantern 瑞格之灯Youmuu's Ghost blade 幽梦之灵Zeal 狂热Zeke's Herald 基克的使徒Zephyr 灵风Zhonya's Hourglass 中娅沙漏



abitity power 是魔法伤害符文

abitity power per lvl 是魔法伤害成长符文

attack speed是攻击速度符文

critical damage 是暴击伤害符文

critical chance 是暴击几率符文

attack damage per level 是攻击力成长符文

attack damage 是攻击力符文

armor penetration 是破护甲符文

armor per level 是护甲成长符文

armor 是固定护甲符文

health per level是生命成长符文


mana regen/5 每五秒回蓝符文

mana regen/5 per lvl每五秒回蓝成长符文

mana 是魔法值

mana per lvl 是魔法值成长符文

magic resist 是魔防符文

magic resist per lvl 是魔防成长符文


experience gained经验加成符文

+1 gold/10 sec每十秒加1金符文

-5%time dead减少百分之5的死亡时间符文

movement speed 移动速度

lifesteal 物理吸血符文

spellvamp 魔法吸血符文


求LOL装备即其描述的 英文

Hall of fame: celebrities take you feel the drive of their life

Ma Yun Ren Zhiqiang Li Jiacheng Liu Chuan Shi Yuzhu

Drink the total 1800 component sword *2+ anti magic cloak +35 physical damage +30 magic resistance unique passive: such as by magic damage to heroes of less than 30% HP, for a 300 spell damage absorb shield, lasts 4 seconds, cooldown of 60 seconds

Destroyer of the death cap total 3600 fuel assemblies burn magic wand + useless sticks +155 spell damage increased passive: 30% DMG auxiliary ring class

Ancient will total 2100 components increase manual + hextech Revolver (by manual *2) +50 Spellpower unique aura: increases around the hero 30 spell damage and 25% mana Vampire

Total 2550 components warm stark Heroic Badges (energy orb + Vampire Scepter) recurve +20% attack speed and unique aura: for additional heroes increase 20% life steal, 20% attack speed 30HP/5 seconds, rece the surrounding enemies 20 armor

Abyssal Scepter gross method deflagration 2650 component staff and Cape +70 spell damage spell resistance aura: decreased +57 only 20 enemy spell resistance

Sunfire Cape total 2610 component sleeveless armour belt of giant +450HP +45 armor passive: most around the unit causing 35 damage per second (this effect does not stack)

The soul vestment total 2285 fuel assemblies burn gem (Hong Baoshi) Royal magic device (back to the blue *2) Hong Baoshi +520HP unique aura: around +12MP/5 seconds, rece 10% friendly cooldown

Army guard total 1925 component cloth Ruby anti magic cloak +270HP +24 +18 Armor spell resistance aura: only improve friendly 12 armor, 15 spell resistance, 8 attack

Heroic Badges total 800 component life orb vampire scepter +17% life steal unique aura around +10HP/5 seconds: friendly

The magic of total 475 component back to the blue *2 unique aura around +7.2MP/5 seconds common: friendly

Useless sticks total 1600 +80 spell damage

Hextech revolver total 1200 components increase manual *2 +40 spell damage spell vampire +20%

Phantom dancer total 2895 component mania (dagger + villain gloves) crit cloak and dagger +55% attack speed +30% crit speed +15%

Lava sword total 1650 +45 attack

Fanatical total 1195 component villain gloves dagger +20% attack speed and movement speed of +8% +10% crit chance

Belt of giant Total 1110 +430HP

Recurve total 1050 +40% attack speed

Poleaxe total 975 +25 physical attack

Deflagration staff total 860 +40 spell damage

Clever cloak total 830 (crit cloak) +18% crit chance

Red crystal total 475 (+180HP Hong Baoshi)

Blue crystal (sapphire) total 400 +200MP

Regeneration Pendant (blood return card) total 435 +15HP/5 seconds

Vampire. Total 450 +12% life steal

Total 740 +48 magic resistance and cloak

Sleeveless chain a total 700 +45 physical defense

Total 435 +20 spell damage increase manual

Total 420 +15% attack speed Dagger

Fairy Fu Zhou (back to blue) total 180 +3MP/5 seconds

Moonlight sword total 1200 fuel assemblies burn magic wand spell damage the toughness of +25 +50

Alyssa. Miracle total 1200 component back to the blue + blood return card combined wages card +25HP/5 seconds +20MP/5 seconds +25 toughness

In total 1450 components and sword attack speed sword + crit cloak +20% attack speed +20% crit +35 toughness

Boots of speed increased 1 total 350 movement speed

Speed AI echo boots total 1050 component clear boots passively increases movement speed level 2, reces the cooldown of 15%

Ninja foot with total 850 component boots of speed cloth armor by +25 +12% dodge increases the odds of 2 movement speed

Berserker Greaves total 920 component boots of speed dagger 25% increased attack speed increased 2 movement speed

Migration boots total 1000 component boots of speed 5 seconds not hurt and harm grade 5 increases movement speed, or level 2

The warlock boots total 1100 component boots of speed increase 20 Spell Penetration, grade 2 increases movement speed

Light boots total 1000 component boots of speed increased 3 movement speed

Mercure boots total 1200 component boots of speed wear Cape +35 toughness preparation effect: increase the hero moves grade 2, negative effect ration reced to 35%

Dolan shield total 475 +120HP +10 defense +8HP/5 seconds

Dolan ring total 475 +100HP +15 spell damage by +5MP/5 seconds

Dolan sword total 475 +100HP +10 physical attack +3% life steal


求LOL装备即其描述的 英文





the Darkin Blade。





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